Thursday, February 16, 2012

Ten Years Ago...

Looking back to 10 years ago seems like such a long time ago, especially considering the "major life events" that have taken place since! 

10 years ago puts me back into Jr. High. As 7th and 8th graders we had a new-found freedom before us called periods, not subjects, as they were in elementary. We finally were able to "choose" (as much as 7th & 8th graders do) our classes. Band and choir? Home Economics? Shop or Art (I picked shop!) Our lockers became our space - our dumping ground, our lunchtime hangout place. So long "my" desk! Hello countdown to last 10 *predictable* minutes of every period! No more bus rides home after school. Thank you for taking over my afternoons, volleyball, basketball and track! And HELLLOOO cute boys! ; ) 

Although I am a little embarrassed to post this photo, I feel as though I must. This is me at the end of my 8th grade year. I LOVED this shirt. Futhermore, I love that Hjortsberg let us use our precious Spanish class time to take photos of each other! Not sure how this one made it back to me!

In five shorts years, I became a young lady, graduating from High School and starting life on my own.

Now, five years later, I'm a wife and a mom...and I still stand the same!

My how I've grown up! 

But in all honestly, it's funny in as little as ten years, how everything you once knew is completely different than what it is now. As an 8th grader, I occasionally thought about my future. Did 14 year old Sadie think 10 years later she'd be married with 2 kids? Um, no! I didn't even think I'd be married, let alone have kids! I predicted myself to still be in college, studying something cool. Instead I finished early, settling for an Associates degree instead of a Bachelors. I envisioned moving out of state to find my husband-to-be and to settle down. Not quite how it all went down...

Funny how life works!  

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

Oh man, that picture of you brought me back!!! Haha, good times!!

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