Saturday, January 18, 2014

Bathroom Remodel #1

After returning from our week long Christmas in Whitefish, Perry and I sorted through all of our gifts trying to find homes for them. In doing so, I began to clean out the cabinets under the sink in the bathroom, which then prompted me to organize the hall closet. Our bathroom has very little storage so most of my extra bathroom stuff is in the hall closet, which is fine, just annoying. Is that possible? Annoyingly fine?

The bathroom cabinet that is there right now, in my opinion, is a piece of garbage. I think the whole thing was made out of particle board and is showing its age. And the counter is yellow. Perry and I both hate it. Not to mention the last set of owners this house had did a hack job on the bathroom when they painted it - ALL over the caulking and some on the counter, not to mention the running boards... When we moved in, I had to paint over the royal blue mishaps just so it wouldn't look completely horrible. After all there's nothing like a green bathroom with spots of blue sticking out...

With little planning, we headed to Home Depot to scope out a new cabinet, with no luck. We found a couple we really liked, but we have really weird dimensions and all options were either 3-4 inches too skinny, or 3/4in too wide. Super frustrating!

Here's what we're working with. Minus the *new* shower doors. We bought those while we were at Home Depot. If I would have known how relatively inexpensive they were, I would have made Perry install them a LONG time ago. That would have saved me from quite a few bath time splashing battles.

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