Monday, August 28, 2017

Our Sensory Processing Symptoms

During our time in Vancouver, I have learned so much more about the sensory processing struggles HD faces on a daily basis. Everyone is aware of our five senses - taste, touch, hearing, sight, and smell, but there are three more senses the rest of the world is a little less knowledgeable about - vestibular, proprioception, and interoception. When our bodies get too much or too little of a sense, our behavior seems to mirror it. In learning about HD, I've also learned quite a bit about myself too!

Let me take just a moment to catch you up to speed about those three other, less spoken about, senses. 

Our vestibular system helps us to understand what our bodies are doing when related to movement, gravity, and balance. This system makes us aware that we are laying down or sitting up, in an elevator moving up or down, and allows us to walk on, say, a log. Our proprioceptive sense allows us to know where our body parts are and how to plan our movements. We can clap our hands together with our eyes closed, and we know how much force to use when pressing keys on a keyboard, or writing on paper because of this sense. Our interoceptive system is the one that tells us we're hungry, we need to go to the bathroom, our heart is racing, etc. 

When these eight senses are working together correctly, we have an "optimum state of arousal" but when our sensory processes aren't in balance, our bodies can have a sensory overload or low arousal. HD is what the OT world considers a seeker. For HD when he becomes "unregulated" or in a heighten state of arousal, he is often looking for more proprioceptive input - this is when he can be found throwing himself on ground, jumping off the bed onto the mattress, wrestling with his brother, pushing/shoving, etc. (It's also when his listening ears turn completely off.)

Sensory processing disorders appear differently in every person. Some kids can be deemed picky eaters when they have a limited number of foods they'll eat, other kids have a rough time with loud sounds or noisy areas, and some are very particular with their clothes and how they feel on their bodies. Kids who may have over-responsive vestibular systems may cause them to not like swings, slides or merry-go-rounds or may appear clumsy, and other kids with under-responsive vestibular systems might really enjoy being tossed the air, or appear to always be on-the-go or be able to spin in circles for ever and not feel dizzy. (These don't even scratch the surface! If you want more examples, check out this list.)

Usually sensory processing disorders (SPD) are diagnosed along with either autism or ADHD. It's not normally a diagnoses in of itself, but professionals in the OT world are advocating for it to be a stand-alone diagnosis. HD doesn't have autism, and because he hasn't been diagnosed with ADHD, it's been hard to get any extra help for him. Remember his doctor? He's a boy, he'll grow out of it. He's not going to grow out of it - we're just going to teach him how to live with it in an acceptable way. Right now that means going to occupational therapy once a week for an hour. We also have a ton a of tools to use during school!

As I said earlier, HD would be considered a seeker, meaning he under-registers his senses. Using the check list above from, this is a list of the struggles HD has, often on a daily basis.

Hyposensitivity to Touch (Under-Registers)
*may be self-abusive; pinching, biting, or banging his own head (HD used to frequently hit himself in the head, laughing hysterically, over and over)
*frequently hurts other children or pets while playing
*thoroughly enjoys and seeks out messy play

Hyposensitivity to Movement
*in constant motion, can't seem to sit still
*craves fast, spinning, and/or intense movement experiences
*could spin for hours and never appear to be dizzy
*loves the fast, intense, and/or scary rides at amusement parks
always jumping on furniture, trampolines, spinning in a swivel chair, or getting into upside down positions
* is a "thrill-seeker"; dangerous at times
*always running, jumping, hopping etc. instead of walking
*likes sudden or quick movements, such as, going over a big bump in the car or on a bike

Proprioception Seeking Behaviors 
*seeks out jumping, bumping, and crashing activities
* bites or sucks on fingers and/or frequently cracks his/her knuckles
*loves to be tightly wrapped in many or weighted blankets, especially at bedtime
*enjoys bear hugs
*excessive banging on/with toys and objects
* loves "roughhousing" and tackling/wrestling games
*frequently falls on floor intentionally
*would jump on a trampoline for hours on end
*chews on pens, straws, shirt sleeves etc.
*frequently hits, bumps or pushes other children

Hyposensitivity to Sound 
*appears to "make noise for noise's sake" (This one drives me CRAZY!)
*loves excessively loud music or TV
* seems to have difficulty understanding or remembering what was said
*needs directions repeated often, or will say, "What?" frequently

Hyposensitivity to Visual Input
*has difficulty telling the difference between similar printed letters or figures; i.e., p & q, b & d, + and x, or square and rectangle
*has difficulty locating items among other items; i.e., papers on a desk, clothes in a drawer, items on a grocery shelf, or toys in a bin/toy box
*often loses his/her place while reading or doing math problems

Auditory-Language Dysfunction
*difficulty reading, especially out loud
*if not understood, has difficulty re-phrasing; may get frustrated, angry, and give up
*often talks out of turn or "off topic"
*difficulty putting ideas into words (written or verbal) (Writing his thoughts is a huge struggle at school right now. I've been wondering if he might have dysgraphia which deals with writing, unlike dyslexia deals with reading.)
*looks at others to/for reassurance before answering

While HD under-registers most of his senses, it is possible to over-register one sense and under-register another and be both hyposensitive and hypersensitive. I have learned I am very hypersensitive to sounds. Here's what I can check off on the list:
* distracted by sounds not normally noticed by others; i.e., humming of lights or refrigerators, fans, heaters, or clocks ticking (I'm sitting here listening to Perry's Grandfather clock ticking and it annoys me to no end. He wonders why I don't like him to wind it...)
* frequently asks people to be quiet; i.e., stop making noise, talking, or singing (Sorry kids, it's not you, it's me.)
* may refuse to go to movie theaters, parades, skating rinks, musical concerts etc. (Movie theatres kill me. So much sound!)
* may decide whether they like certain people by the sound of their voice (Not proud, but guilty...)

This particular sensitivity of mine makes parenting a kid who likes to make sound because he can, just a little challenging. But seriously, you should hear some of the sounds HD makes. We went to the zoo and he whipped out his monkey call, and people legit thought it was the monkey. I also have no need to carry an air horn around because HD can nail the air horn sound. Impressively annoying. I have to give him props but... We also had a couple bells show up at our house and I'm seriously considering hiding them because just one ding is too many for me. It sends me into a rage. Make it stop, make it stop right now!

What about you guys, do you have any sensory problems? It's more common than you think! 

1 comment:

Alicia said...

Kait has suddenly stared getting annoyed at mealtime by the sounds of eating and chewing, even if you have your mouth closed!

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