Wednesday, September 2, 2015

JP's First Soccer Practice

I was feeling really, really bad this spring when I signed Hunter up for baseball because we had agreed that JP could play soccer. Then I missed the sign-up deadline for soccer and JP was heartbroken, especially when he found out his friend was in soccer... After talking with his pre-school teacher a few weeks ago, she referred me to a recreational-based soccer club, who has a season in the fall. I put off looking into it a little too long and missed the deadline by a week. I really didn't want to have to break the news to him again, so I emailed and asked if I could still sign him up after the deadline. I'm glad I asked too because they were able to find him a spot. Phew! 

We hustled out of the house this afternoon and were *only* a couple minutes late - got to love 5:00 traffic...But getting out of the house with 3 kids is a challenge alone! JP had a little meltdown when we arrived because Hunter brought JP's soccer ball to play with while practice was going, but JP insisted that he needed it for practice. There were plenty of extra...The things they fight over...
 They did a couple drills at practice, like throwing the ball in-bounds and dribbling. 
 After about half an hour, they played a little game to practice chasing the ball and getting it to *their* net.
 JP did great! He was always on task and it was so much fun to watch all the kids! Coach - "What do you do when someone takes the ball from you?" Little girl - "Start crying." Ha ha ha...
 Since the kids started school, Missoula doesn't seem so big. We're slowly but surely getting to know people. This little girl with JP, above, went to the 2-day pre-school with him. He says he doesn't remember her though.
This little boy has quickly become one of JP's friend's at school. Other than the two in his class that he went to pre-school with, this is the first kid that JP remembers what their name is. (Coincidence? He's the tallest kid in the class. Hunter also picked the tallest kid in his class last year to be friends with first.)
After practice Perry took the kids to the soccer net so he could shoot some goals while I got clued in to where all the games were and what to wear...JP looks so small in the net!

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