Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Tooth Fairy Visited Our House For the 1st Time!

Hunter has a had a wiggly tooth since before St. Patrick's Day. I even went as far as to tell him that he'd get double coins from the tooth fairy if he lost it on St. Patrick's Day. Nope. Didn't happen. Didn't even happen a month later. I'm pretty sure I was more antsy for the Tooth Fairy to come than he was. I remember writing notes to the tooth fairy. Once she even drew me a picture of her house! I forgot to have Hunter write her a letter this time. But we have plenty of teeth to loose.

He lost one of his bottom teeth on Friday, May 6. I'm surprised it didn't come out sooner by the way it was pointing out of his bottom row. I even planned on having corn on the cob with dinner so I'd be there when it came out. but here's me re-telling how he told me it happened.

"I was playing at recess with Sullivan and he elbowed me in the mouth and it started bleeding but the recess bell rang so I had to go inside to get it cleaned up. And I had to go see Ms. Erin to get stuff for my mouth. And after recess we had a party and someone brought cupcakes. And then I bit into my cupcake AND THERE WAS A SURPRISE IN MY MOUTH! My tooth came out!"

Either I walk down to the bus stop to walk home with the boys or I just stay home and tend to the babes, but for whatever reason, I decided to just stand at the end of the driveway to watch them come down the lane. Hunter sprinted the whole way home and was just too excited to show me his missing tooth and the treasure box they gave him to put his tooth in.
At bedtime we went over the rules for the tooth fairy, and there was basically just one: Put the treasure box under your pillow and do not touch it. The tooth fairy luckily carried a flashlight because he broke the rule. He ran down to my room in the morning and was so excited to show off his gold coin!

By Monday we could already see the tooth below it coming up, and the tooth next to the hole is wiggly now too! He's so excited to join the rest of his class in the missing teeth group!

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