Wednesday, April 3, 2013

My Boys Are Gross!

Reason #937 why I hope this baby is a girl: My boys are gross! And I'm hoping they don't teach her their ways, but inevitably kids will be kids I guess. Let me just describe to you what led me to this decision today. It's not that I couldn't have decided this on another day, but I think I just caught them in the act more times today.

Gross #1 This morning, the boys decided on cereal for breakfast and as a treat, I let them eat in the living room at the coffee table. Because this wasn't my first rodeo, I didn't put milk in their cereal because, obviously, as I'm sure many moms will agree, kids and couches don't mix. So should they have spilled their cereal, I didn't want to chance it and get it on the couch. And I called it. Hunter spill his bowl of dry cereal all over the floor, and I instructed him to start cleaning it up. How did he go about it? Licking it off the floor! We have hard wood floors throughout most of our house, and I'm pretty good about keeping them clean, but honestly, I wouldn't ever eat off of them...let alone lick them!? "But mom, I'm eating like a dog!"

Gross #2 After a busy morning/afternoon playing outside, we came in to have some quiet time while watching a movie. Today I snuggled by JP on the couch. Halfway through the movie he started picking his nose, which is a pretty common thing with him. This time, however, he actually got one out. A big hard but slimy one. As I struggled to get off the couch to retrieve a tissue for him, he proclaims "Look mom! It's a big one! I'm going to put it in my ear!" And then he did. But if that wasn't gross enough, by the time I got back with the tissue to get it out of his ear, instead of his finger, he proudly proclaimed "I ate it! And it was good!" Eww.... talk about saving it for later!

Gross #3 While I was cooking dinner, I let the boys play outside in the backyard so they'd stay out of the kitchen. Plus it was just a super nice day out. I kept my eye on them from the kitchen window, and left it open so I could hear them just in case. During one of my checks, I caught JP with his pants down in the garden peeing. From the window I shouted "Jim! What are you doing?! Pull up your pants - if you have to go potty, you need to come inside!" And he clearly heard me because he retorted "But I wanted to make some mud to play in!" Yeah...let's think about that again...

Gross #4 We had a side of corn with our meal tonight. I don't know why, but it seems to take *forever* for the boys to eat their dinner. I'm talking 45 minutes. Needless to say, after twenty minutes, I was done, so I took my plate to the sink. When I sat back down, Hunter murmured something about Jimmy's nose, and just as I turned to look at Jim, two pieces of corn came literally shooting out of his nose. I probably should have explained why we don't put things in our noses, but the sight I saw was quite comical and I was just trying to keep from laughing. Not exactly what I was expecting. But a bit later at dinner as he was eating his corn, he declared in excitement "OH! This one has a booger on it! It's going to be good!... Mmmmm It WAS good!" Jim. Seriously. Stop with the boogers in the mouth thing.

By that point, I was glad dad came home so I could go to yoga and cleanse my mind of those icky gross things.... Your kids do these things too right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sadie! Tonight I decided to search for any other MT bloggers out there. I came across the bloggy moms page and found your blog. I am excited to check out your page!

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