Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Week Already?!

Where has the week gone?! I feel like I just left the hospital yesterday! Needless to say, we've had a pretty busy week...
 Our first morning home, the boys were super excited to see their sister. As children do, they had a little argument about who was going to give her their monkeys. Eventually Hunter returned from the basement, arms full, with stuff animals. They were pretty proud of themselves burying Charlotte!
 Later in the day, Hunter was able to practice putting his big brother skills to use by burping her. He thought it was the coolest thing ever...when he wasn't distracted by the tv that is!
The morning came too quickly for me, so Saturday morning I was served breakfast in bed by my boys. They are so thoughtful! 
 Charlotte and I had a busy day on Saturday while Perry and the boys sorted through stuff in the garage to get ready for our garage sale we're having in the near future. Aunt Kim and Uncle Ray stopped by before we left to attend a bridal shower downtown. I was surprised as to how long Charlotte slept for, especially since she was passed around quite a bit! I left a little before the shower ended when my pain meds started wearing off. As soon as we arrived home, Grandma and Grandpa stopped by for a few minutes. Before dinner, Charlotte and I stopped in at a former co-worker's graduation party. 
After dinner, Uncle Cameron stopped by to meet his first niece and to see the boys.

 And before heading to bed, Charlotte stayed up to watch Hell's Kitchen with mom and dad before crashing for the night.
Yesterday I let JP bottle feed his sister. He was so excited!!

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