Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

You would think it would go without say that having a day dedicated to the color green would hands down be JP's favorite holiday. (And since his middle name is Patrick!) And then you would be wrong. Have I told you how much JP's loves the color green? Everything of his is green. Literally. I think it's been his favorite color since he talking? Remember the video of him talking about his green house? That was a year ago...and he still is talking about his green house. I've come to the conclusion that when I am clothes shopping, to just buy JP green shirts so he'll wear them, and then to also buy Hunter green shirts, because eventually they will be JP's anyways. Win win. 

I was a little shocked last night when I tucked JP into bed. I told him that since tomorrow was St. Patrick's day, he had to wear one of his green shirts. Apparently this kid has a schedule I haven't caught onto yet because he replied with, "But tomorrow is not my day to wear a green shirt!" Even this morning when he woke up, he refused to wear one of his beloved green shirts and instead picked out an orange one. (At least it had green on it!) Not only does he apparently have specific days that he can wear green shirts, but it's also worth mentioning that the only days he is "allowed" to have "cool" hair are, I believe, Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays. So many rules!
Anyways...This morning I made the kids pancakes for breakfast. Without them seeing, I tinted the milk green before I took it out of the fridge. JP was thrilled, because it was green, and Hunter just thought it was gross. 
  That didn't stop him from eating the green pancakes though!
 Good grief can little Charli eat too! She may be tiny but boy can she pack it away! Same with JP. He can be a bottomless pit too, but not this morning. 
Hunter was the big eater. I think 2 of the 3 pancakes he had this morning were eaten like this. With no syrup to dunk it in. No wonder he wasn't hungry at lunch! 
For dinner I was going to make Three Cheese Pasta Bake but Papa Craig (or Papa Craigy as JP has been calling him) and Aunt Kim showed up with fried chicken for dinner instead. I'm thinking that this holiday is going to last one extra day this year, just so I can cook the pasta noodles in green water to tint them green as well...

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