Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Monkey Shiner Babblings

H - And mom! On the way home we saw lightning! But we didn't see any thunder...

J - Yuck! Mom! You need to go take a shower!
M - Why?!
J - Because your legs are gross!
M - They just pokey, I just shaved them the other day.
J - Well you need to do it again, right now, because it's yucky!

H - Mom, how did Charli's hair do that?!
M - Do what?
H - Stand up like that?! It's like magic!
M - It's called a wet rag bud.

M - So here's the thing boys. I think we need to learn to ride our bikes without training wheels.
J - No, only kids in Kindergarten can do that. So we can't.
M - No, you can, and I think our goal for the summer should be to get both of you riding without training wheels. And if we can do that, I'll get you a special reward. What do you think it would be? What have you always wanted to do?
H - Hmm...I think...we should get some of Charli's animal crackers!
J - Yeah! Her animal crackers!
M - I bet you if you learn how to ride, I'll give you your OWN BOX of animal crackers!
P - Or maybe even the FROSTED animal crackers!
M - With the sprinkles!
J - YES! Let's learn how to ride our bikes so we can get those Hunter!!

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