Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Hunter's First Fish

After a long day in Philipsburg, Perry and I took the boys down to Georgetown Lake to go fishing while Charlotte stayed at the house with Grandma.
 On the way to the lake, Perry flipped a 180 so we could check out the moose grazing in the field not far from the road. So cool! I don't recall seeing moose before.
We stopped at a couple places to check to see if the water was good for fishing. The boys had a different plan...
 After I snapped this picture of Perry, simply because I love the background, Perry asked Hunter and JP to take a few pictures of us. At this spot on the lake, we weren't going to try to fish, but we told the boys that if they would take a picture of us, we'd go get the fishing poles.
 A deal is a deal. I retaught JP how to cast and he became super excited when his lure got stuck in the water.
 Perry retaught Hunter how to cast off.
I watched him cast off a couple times, and then this happened.
Uh...dad. I think I caught one...?
 Perry and I were not expecting this at all! Hunter was SO excited!
 Perry tied Hunter's rainbow trout up to a rock until we were ready to go. 
 In the meantime, the boys had fun poking at it. 
Like I said, this kid was SO excited just to walk his catch up to the car. When we pulled up to the house, JP announced quite sadly that "Hunter's fish is dead, mom!" Uh yeah... it's been dead since we got to the car!
 But Hunter even more excited to show grandma, Barbara and Scott!
 I have been waiting for the day when my kids catch a fish, mostly because I wanted to see the look on their faces when they held it. I love Hunter's faces! I can't wait for JP to catch one!
 When we were done taking pictures of Hunter with his trout, Perry showed him how to fillet it. 
JP cracks me up in these videos. Be sure to watch his facial expressions!
Hahaha, you have poop hands!
Hunter helped season it too. He took it very seriously.
When we left to go fishing, I asked Hunter and JP if they would eat the fish if they caught it, and both said no. I told them if they would try it I would try it. Hunter ate it and it looked like he didn't hate it, but also didn't want more. JP surprised me by having two bites! And yes family, I did try it, and I still don't like it. 

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