Monday, January 27, 2014

The Story Behind Monkey Shiner

I've been asked quite a few times what exactly a 'monkey shiner' is. To be honest, I didn't even know for the majority of my life. Who would? I don't know of anyone outside of my family who has even hear the term 'monkey shiner' before.

So what exactly is a monkey shiner? Hunter and JP are prime examples if that doesn't give you a hint! But according to my Grandma Carol, my sisters and I were monkey shiners too! "OH you little monkey shiners!" The apple doesn't fall far from the tree I guess...(Watch out Casey! Your mom is crazy too!) After wondering for a long time, and discussing it with my sisters, I thought I would do a little digging to see if I couldn't come up with a definition of what my grandma used to always call us.

There is no definition for monkey shiner, but there is one for monkey shine. It is defined as "mischievous doings, or shenanigans" as well as, "the activities of folk when the boss isn't looking." In that context it's used a a verb. To be called a monkey shiner, you would be the person, hence a noun, doing all the monkey shine business, which nails Hunter and JP right on the head, because how many "naughty" things have these boys done when the boss, ie mom, isn't watching? Too many. 

Shall I list some of the shenanigans of my children? For example, while at the farm last year, the mud pit bath started with them playing in a little puddle. Since they were already covered in mud, I just helped to make the puddle bigger. You win some, you lose some.  And how can you forget the time Hunter found Uncle Chris's razor and did this? I would also go as far to say that the land mine Hunter planted in backyard counts too! Do I even have to mention what happens in their rooms

There's no doubt about it, I've got two little monkey shiners on my hands! Hence the name for my "things kids say" posts, Monkey Shiner Babblings.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LMAO! hahahaha, i remember grandma calling us that!!

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