Sunday, February 26, 2012

Milestone Day for JP and Mommy

Please tell me I'm not the only mom that has cried when it was time to take the crib down?! Today has been all about helping JP to become a big boy, and in doing so, he's been promoted to a toddler bed. 

Little JP at 2 years and 16 days old
We've been working with Hunter on his bed time routine as I am tired of fighting bed time every night. The past few weeks we've been doing pretty good.  It's been a lot less stressful on both of us. Desperate for the bedtime battle to stop, I began reading this book. I'm only halfway through but have learned a lot already! 

One of the ideas was to give your child a "lovie", which Hunter already has, his Winnie the Pooh blanket. I read that often times kids will use a sibling as a lovie because they find comfort in having their "friend" so close. So needless to say, I found this to be the perfect opportunity to get JP out of his crib. It was going to happen sooner or later!

We began by getting the boys super excited about sharing a room. Hunter asked me a few times prior if JP could sleep with him, so he was excited to get his wish! Moving Hunter's room around turned out to be a little bit more difficult than I anticipated. Hunter's "big boy" bed was just bigger than I thought, and the ledge that runs around the room added to the problem. 

We ended up taking out Hunter's desk because it was just too big for the room, and WAY too big for him. And it was only used as storage for his toys. Typical. It was replaced with Great Grandma's rocking chair, so mommy or daddy can monitor, if needed. And three nights in, it's hardly been used!

How did I take this whole transition? Pretty good. Until Perry took the crib out to the garage... I cried. And cried. And cried.

I guess I just figured the crib would stay upstairs for a while longer....just in case, you know, the boys need separated, or we have a little girl? Perry tried to reassure me that it'll only be in storage and we can get it back out if we need it. Not helpful - my baby is no longer a baby!

Little JP at 6 days old

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