Thursday, February 13, 2014

Monkey Shiner Babblings

H - Mom, I really wish the boogieman would stop coming to our house at night.
M - How do you know he's here at night? Have you seen him or something?
H - No I haven't, but have you seen Charli's hair in the morning? He keeps pulling it up all crazy! He must be under her bed...

I've been spending quite some time on Pinterest lately with JP's birthday coming up. The other day while I was looking at ideas for a Ninja Turtles party, JP and I came across a photo of a kid with a tin roasting pan spray painted green, strapped awkwardly to his back. Immediately JP began shouting at the computer, "I WANT THAT!! We have to go to the store to get that turtle shell!"

While waiting in the car for Hunter to finish school, JP and I sat and listened to the radio. Taylor Swift's song, "22" came on and she began to sing, "It feels like one of those night, to dress up like hipsters..." A few line later into the song, JP interrupted and said, "What? They're going to dress up like hamsters?"

JP picked out some spinning toys for his birthday for Nanny to give him. He and Hunter were playing with them in the kitchen when:
M - Why don't you guys put them in the area so they can fight to the death?
J - Yeah! Hunter let's do that! Let's make them ride to the deck!

M - Hunter, can you do me a favor since I'm folding laundry? Can you go upstairs and talk to your sister? She's playing in her room, but it's sounds like she's lonely.
H - *Goes upstairs and returns promptly to the laundry room* Mom! I can't find her! I can hear her but I can't find her!
She scooted herself under the crib...

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