Friday, February 14, 2014

My Valentine Monkey Shiners

Let me start out by saying I don't celebrate Valentine's Day. I think it's a silly "holiday". With that said, it's now 10am and my boys have melted my heart already this morning. I'll start with my innocent little JP. 

Early this morning this little character found a marker somewhere. I'm not entirely sure where it was, hidden somewhere, as all of their crayons and markers are stored on top of the cupboards in the kitchen. We've had a few too many mishaps with our furniture (and bodies) that they need to be out of reach. We missed one. Perry heard him rustling around in the basement and went down to see why he was up so early and found him looking like this.
However there was more to his doodling that what Perry had initially thought... 
I'm in love with the person he drew! I insisted that we take a picture of his art work before he hopped in the tub to start scrubbing. What I realized a short while later was that he had also colored on some private parts...I hope after the face coloring was done! His bath water was tinted gray by the time he was finished scrubbing.

And then there's Hunter. He was *so* hungry for breakfast that he refused to wait for me to make it for him. As I was helping JP clean up, Hunter got out the toaster and cut an English muffin sort of in half, and popped it in the toaster. When it was done, he used tongs to pull it out and then climbed on the counter to pick out his choice of topping. He was looking for the cinnamon maple shaker but found paprika instead. I wish I could have seen his face when he took a bite of his muffin! He did eventually find what he was looking for and cover his whole muffin in a cinnamon-maple-sugary mess. But he ate the whole thing even though it still had a taste of paprika! 

I'm having a hard time accepting how old and self sufficient he's getting!

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