Sunday, August 5, 2012


I finally broke down and took the boys to get their hair cut. Aunt Emilienne's wedding is this next weekend so the boys *have to* look cute! Let me start off by saying Hunter hasn't gotten his hair cut since....February? JP lucked out and had Aunt Em cut his when we were in Oregon in May. Hunter could get away with it because of all his curls! JP....not so much. 
Just so you could actually *kind of* see how long his hair was, I attempted to comb out the curls into one big poof....that way someone else wouldn't have to try to comb out the knots. And yes, I do believe we caught him mid-poop : )
And JP was cranky so I attempted to give him a mo-hawk, which he loved!

I was so impressed with these two boys at the salon! They sat still the whole time! I was such a proud momma! Perry bought them a bag of donuts for behaving. When getting Hunter into the car, he placed them on the roof and forgot about them. I drove home, and then back to Wal-Mart, over to Albertsons, got gas and came home. They were still there upon my arrival. Perry was STOKED! Apparently he chased me down the street in an attempt to stop me to retrieve his donuts when I left. : )
 Here's my handsome JP with his shorter 'do. It stands up a lot on top. Nothing new, it did when he was first born too!
 And my Hunter baby. He looks so much older now! 
  By the end of the day, I was super exhausted. This is what happens when I try to lay down to power pile on mom!

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