Sunday, November 18, 2012

We Need Your Prayers!

Let me start out by saying its been a rough few days for me. Originally we were going to have Hunter's birthday on Thanksgiving because of Perry's work schedule. Once that was changed we opted to have his birthday party this last Saturday after the Cat/Griz football game, like we've done every other year. Due to lack of energy, I didn't start on it until Friday afternoon. I created most of his airplane before I had to stop.

Flashback to a few weeks ago, I was rushed to the emergency room because I thought I could be having a miscarriage. Lucky for us, I wasn't. Instead I was diagnosed with a subchorionic hemorrhage. (For all you non-doctors out there, its a blood clot that has formed between my placenta and uterus wall.) At that point the hemorrhage wasn't very big so the doctors weren't too concerned about it because most of these pregnancies go on to produce a healthy baby. This last Monday the 12th, I went back to the doctor where they concluded it had gotten bigger.

Flash forward now to Friday night again, due to more bleed from the hemorrhage, I put the boys to bed and then laid in bed myself until Perry arrived home from work. At that point I didn't need to go to the emergency room. but with a substantial amount of bleeding later after just laying in bed, we packed up and headed back to the emergency room at 11:30pm. I was already exhausted!

Again, they performed another ultrasound and studied the hemorrhage for a little while. I was hoping the hemorrhage was fixing itself, but instead it was doing the opposite. It has kept growing over the last few weeks, but now its starting to push on the baby. Although its hard to hear, hard to say, and even harder to accept, the doctor said we need to prepare ourselves because we could lose this baby.

So now I'm reaching out to everyone to pray for me and my little baby. I'm two days into my second round of bed rest and will have a check up Monday or Tuesday with my OB doctor. These next few weeks are critical for us as the baby continues to rapidly grow. Unfortunately its going to sort of be a waiting game as there is no formal treatment for subchorionic hemorrhages. But I'm hoping you'll keep us in your thought and prayers! 

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