Sunday, December 22, 2013

Monkey Shiner Babblings

M - Hunter, can you take your stool out of the kitchen so I don't trip on it?
H - I'm not strong enough.
M - Yes you are.
H - No! I'm not strong!
M - You pick up the stool all the time. You are pretty strong.
H - *On the verge of tears* No, mom. I'm not strong! He *points up* is strong. Mrs. Stiff says I am weak and He is strong!
M - Good thing He can help you then. *Hunter proceeds to remove the stool from the kitchen.*

M - Jim, can you take two more bites of your food and then you can be done?
J - Uh no. I'm full.
M - You mean you don't want the rest of Papa's ice cream cake for dessert?!
J - No, I think we should just try again tomorrow to finish our food.

M - Hunter, please get off the bed. I don't like you jumping and rough-housing on my bed.
H - But I want to be on the bed! I have my pants on!
M - Irrelevant....get down.

I only heard part of the conversation, but cracked up when I heard them talking about "The Naughty List":
J- Hunter I think you're on the Naughty List.
H - No, Jim, we BOTH are.
J - Nope, I'm pretty sure it's just you....
H - I am not! There are presents under the tree with MY name on them!
J - We could take them back....

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