Saturday, December 3, 2011

Christmas is near!

I can't believe Christmas is almost here! Seems like we just celebrated... We took our "annual" trip to Spokane beginning of November where we shopped at Toys R Us for Christmas gifts. With the boys in tow. Also with the hopes that Hunter would forget what we purchased. He hasn't. He is quick to remind us that his guitar is in the garage. 

Yesterday I successfully raked and mowed our front and backyards (in December!?). In the meantime, Hunter snuck into the garage. By the time I retrieved him, he was standing in front of the BIG Home Depot tool bench box, nearly shaking with excitement. "Its gonna be really pretty fun mom!" This prompted me to take all the gifts inside during naptime to get them wrapped. However it didn't happen until after they went to bed. Of course, I color coded all the gifts. Hunter has the red paper with the HO HO HO all over it, simply because he'll most likely go for those ones anyways as they have large "H's" all over them. Jimmy has the green "No Peeking" wrapping. Typical because he's the most likely to peek. 

We set up our Christmas tree the other day. So far we've only had one broken ornament. I think we're doing pretty good, especially since Hunter played his version of bumper cars with the tree last night. Last year the boys received a teddy bear that reads the whole story of The Night Before Christmas. I think I've heard it about 15 times in the last 3 days. UGH. Hunter took him off the shelf the other and put him down for his nap in his room the other day. Tucked him in and everything - also instructed me to stay out cuz he was sleeping. 

This year for Christmas we are meeting up with my family at the Fairmont Hot Springs Resort for Christmas Eve. Perry and I both have to work on the 26th, so we'll be headed back on Christmas day to celebrate a few traditions on Perry's side. And to open the presents Santa left at home for the boys. They are getting the tool bench, primarily a Hunter gift, and an art easel, mostly a Jimmy gift, knowing that they will both use each. Jimmy loves to color. I think he would color all day if you let him. I actually found the tip of a crayon when he sneezed it out of his nose the other day... Hunter is also getting a twin sized bed. I bought bed on craigslist the other day. Now we just need to get a mattress for it. 

Santa made an appearance in our house 2 years ago, right after Hunter turned one. He was terrified. Luckily, I think he's gotten over his fear as he really wants to go see Santa. We're hoping to make a trip to Walmart on Saturday when Santa is there. Hopefully it goes well. Jimmy might not enjoy it so much...

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