Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Monkey Shiner Babblings

A few months ago, our family went out to dinner with "uncle" Wayne, who now has a beard. I don't recall the last time JP saw him, but at dinner, he had to sit by him. JP didn't say a word the entire time, nor did he even glance at Wayne. As soon as Wayne got up to pay, JP started talking up a storm and stopped talking again as soon as Wayne sat back down....Fast forward a few months to the beginning of October when we were in Whitefish. Wayne came to the memorial service for Perry's dad, and afterwards he sat with us as we all ate lunch, except for JP. He scowled at him quite a bit but never said a word. Eventually my mom took JP over to the kids table where he actually ate his lunch. After the service, we went back to the house, and Wayne followed and parked right next to us.
M - Jim look out your window.
J - Ugh! It's that bearded guy again!
M - That's Wayne.
J - I didn't want him to come!
M - How come?
J - I don't like his teases! And I don't like his beard. You tell him that mommy! I don't like his teases of me!

My heart broke for him! His words were so cute, but I felt so bad! And so proud that he could express his feelings like that! After all he's only 3 1/2!

H - Jim! Hurry! I have to show you something before I pee my pants!!
M - Hunter go pee and then come back and show him.
H - No mom, it's super important!

J - What happens when Spiderman shoots out his "weps"?
M - They're called webs Jim. But they attach to buildings and stuff so he can swing around.
J - Does he save people?
M - Yep he sure does. He can hear people yelling for help. Same with Batman and Superman.
J - So I can yell for help and they'll come save me?
M - Maybe
J - DDDAAAADDD! Mom, I'm yelling for dad so he can come save me too.

You can't see anything in this video, but you can hear Hunter singing "Go Tell It On The Mountain" while having hiccups. We listen to this song just about every time we're in the car...since Bible school in June. I just wish I would have recorded the first verse. Next time...

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