Sunday, June 10, 2012

Words My Kids Say Incorrectly

I love hearing my kids talk every day! The things they say just blows me away! And of course, its even funnier when they mispronounce words.

Little JP has been talking since he was about 20 months old and has been using 3 and 4 word sentences now for quite some time. He impresses me! He can't, however, pronounce his "l"s. He changes the "l" sound to a "y" sound. Instead of "hello" its said "hey-yo". Blanket get changed to "bwi-ket". This kid is so cute when he talks!

Hunter was some what slow to start talking, probably because of that drat binkie he lugged around. I know he didn't say much at 2, but was finally getting some words together by 2 1/2. Hunter kind of struggles with his "w"s. We never get to go swimming, its always "slimmin". But what gets me every time is when he says "wagon ride". He can say the words individually, but when he puts them together it comes out "ragon ride". And armadillo gets mispronounced too..."armadildo".

Growing up, I had an extremely hard time with my "ir" sound. Girl was always "gil" or "grill". I remember practicing that word over and over on my way to bed one night, when I *finally* said it right. And squirrel was always "squil". I had to go to speech class in the 1st grade because of my "ir"s. We came across a picture of a squirrel, and I knew I couldn't say it right so I played stupid and said I didn't remember what it was called but that I saw one when we were in Yellowstone (which was true!). To this day though, I can't say "Swiss". I love the cheese, but I always opt for American because of my tongue! I absolutely LOVE Swedish Fish candy, but I always say it slow because it'll come out "Swish fiss" if I'm not careful!

1 comment:

Shanan, The Book Addict said...

When I did my post I could not think of words she pronounced incorrectly, but my daughter has some words she uses incorrectly or some of the words she has made up entirely on her own.

I agree with you that watching kids gain language skills is so much fun!


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