Saturday, January 7, 2012

Something I Need Daily

#7. Something I need daily.

I need my family daily. I love my boys to death. They drive me crazy and make me so angry sometimes, but other times, I just sit back and look at them. I watch them eat and remember when I had to nurse and spoon feed them. I watch them play and remember how a play mat used to entertain them for hours. Now I'm lucky for a few minutes with each toy! The things they say and the way they go about things just simply amaze me. I don't know how I was living without them. They flipped my life upside down. I miss them all the time when I'm not with them.

Aside from my boys, I need my husband daily. I need his hugs in the morning and his kisses at night. It really stunts my day without one of those. We'll see how having him do overnights affects me....GAH! More so than hugs and kisses, I need him to talk to and help me with the daily chores around the house. There's always something that needs cleaned when these boys are home! And I need his company, more than anything else. Even just sitting with him for a few minutes. For those who know what "Love Languages" are, I'm primarily a Quality Time person, meaning just that, I feel loved when my husband (or family & friends) spend time with me. Luckily for me, he knows that!  <3

I need my mom daily too. I think a mom is something that everyone takes advantage of and then realizes later the wisdom and answers they hold. Sometimes I just need my mom's advice, and other times I just need to vent. But between the "how do you make this?" and the "what do I do when this happens?" etc. I need my mom daily. Mom's voices just have this way of comforting their children...


Lauren said...

Sweet family! And I need all of those same things. Looking forward to getting to know you!

momto8 said...

An attitude of gratitude is a great perspective in life! And look how lucky you are! I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can!

Jenny @ Practically Perfect... said...

So sweet! My hubs is an "acts of service" guy according to the 5LLs and I'm a "words of affirmation" girl. And I can tell you from having been there, working nights isn't fun but it is manageable :-)

LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

New follower from Blog Dare. Man, I feel like a "bad mommy" right now. Everyone is writing about their families and I wrote about other stuff. Oh well, the time hubs took our 3 kids to TX for vacation and I had to stay home and work, I had their initials and birthstone colors put in little hearts and tattoed on my right shoulder. And I made a little zoo for my girl's (then about 5 or 6) stuffed animals on my bed. :O)

SoCal Tess said...

Aww! What a great post, I love it!

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